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Compensation Law
Compensation law deals with compensation for the damage suffered by a person, institution or state as a result of an unlawful action against another person or institution. Compensation lawsuits ensure the determination of the material and moral damages suffered by the injured party and the payment of these damages by the other party in amounts deemed appropriate by the court. Tort, contract violations, etc. In such cases, the law of compensation comes into play and the aim is to ensure justice.
Compensation law is a branch of law that regulates the legal compensation of damage caused by a person, institution or state to another person or institution as a result of an unlawful act. Compensation cases aim to determine fair compensation for material losses suffered by the injured party - property damage or loss of income, etc. - and non-pecuniary damages - emotional pain or loss of reputation, etc. Many situations such as tort, contract violations, medical errors or traffic accidents can be given as examples of compensation cases. Compensation law provides a fair balance by protecting the rights of the injured party and determining the responsibilities of the party that will pay compensation.
In this context, the services provided by our law firm are as follows:
Consultancy: We provide consultancy to our clients on matters related to compensation law. We explain the client's rights and obligations, evaluate the current situation and indicate possible legal options.
Preparation of Cases: We analyze our clients' compensation claims and claims, collect evidence and prepare for the case. At this stage, operations such as taking witness statements and preparing expert reports are carried out.
Filing a Lawsuit and Defense: In order to protect our client's rights, we file a lawsuit for compensation and defend our client, and at this stage, we follow the relevant legal processes, submit the necessary documents in court and carry out the defense effectively.
Negotiation: In some cases, before entering into court proceedings, we negotiate with the other party or insurance company, a process aimed at achieving resolution of the dispute.
Compensation Claims: To protect our client's rights and damages; We follow the necessary legal procedures to claim compensation. These damages may include material (treatment costs, loss of income, etc.) and moral damages (pain and suffering, loss of reputation, etc.).
Insurance Transactions: We defend our client's rights and follow up on compensation claims by communicating with insurance companies.
Compensation Contracts: We provide consultancy on our clients' compensation contracts and assist them in the preparation and evaluation of the contracts.
Compensation Calculations: In determining the compensation amounts, we make compensation calculations in accordance with our client's rights and the law.
Representation and Execution: When compensation needs to be collected, we carry out the necessary enforcement procedures to implement the decisions given by the court.
Managing Legal Processes
Legal Consultancy